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Štaubert Karel

Štaubert Karel

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Type of offer Lease
Commercial space type Office
Price note + services + deposit + agency commission
Total area 50  (m2)
Number 7142
Village Praha
  • Price42 500,- per month

We offer a unique opportunity to rent a 50 m2 office for a long time, located on the 7th floor in the world-famous Dancing House building on Rašínovo nábřeží, which combines fine art with modern architecture.

The house offers a visit to the famous gallery, the possibility of using the terrace with a beautiful view of Prague Castle and the Vltava, as well as a restaurant and bar on the top floor.

The surrounding area guarantees easy parking and a 24-hour reception. The lucrative location of the building also guarantees efficient transport connections to main roads and motorways in all directions (Prague city ring road, D1, D5 and D8) and at the same time access to public transport such as (metro B Karlovo náměstí) and tram lines (Jiráskovo náměstí, Palackého Square and Charles Square).

Condition object Very good
Construction technology Framed structure
Total number of floors 9

Usable area 50  (m2)
Built up area 50  (m2)

Lift Yes

Class of energy performance of buildings E - wasteful

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