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Article title graphics. It appeals to the topic of the city district in the center of the capital - Prague 1.

In the last article, we approached several city districts, today belongs to the heart of the center of Prague. How do we find out if something is right for us? We select, compare, take into account the pros as well as cons. If you're breathing for medieval history and love to be surrounded by historic buildings, this article is tailor-made for you.

Let's imagine the oldest part of Prague - full of opportunities and right in the heart of the capital. We're talking about the beautiful segment of Prague 1. The given area includes the Old Town ("Staré Město"), "Josefov", "Hradčany", "Malá Strana", "Vinohrady" or also New Town ("Nové Město") or "Holešovice". Cobblestone streets, fortified courtyards, cathedrals, church spiers. Everything in the palm of your hand, everything for you. The district is alive with energy, music, cultural art, rich food, special events, and in today's article we'll introduce some of its advantages.

From the 14th century it began to be inhabited by the Prague elite - consisting of the nobility, officials, philosophers, scientists. The atmosphere of history could be cut into million parts. You are surrounded by architectural gems of past centuries. Social events took place on the Old Town Square ("Staroměstské náměstí") and the "Chrám Matky Boží před Týnem" complemented the space with its Gothic perfection. The interior of this sacral building was redirected to the Baroque style during the 17th century. The place offers services and the possibility of visits. The vibe of the city district is created by the Old Town Hall ("Staroměstská radnice s orlojem") with an astronomical clock, on which 12 apostles appear every hour.

The area is important for tourism. Among the important buildings here we will find the Church of St. Nicholas ("Chrám sv. Mikuláše"), who, as a magnificent Baroque structure, enriches its interior with a chandelier with crystal glass decoration - from the Russian Tsar. The Powder Gate ("Prašná brána") is a characteristic feature and once it was the main entrance for the city (it also served as a gunpowder depot in the past). In the end, we must not omit the Art Nouveau building - the Municipal House ("Obecní dům"), a handicraft gem in the Old Town ("Staré Město"). Inside you will find a cafe, restaurant, bar, lounge or the famous concert hall - Smetana Hall ("Smetanova síň"). The interior is decorated with the creativity of quality artists such as Alfons Mucha or Ladislav Šaloun.

We recommend this area to people who long for history and want to breathe in the true charm of the old capital. It's also suitable for large families or busy students. Here you will find comprehensive transport accessibility and civic amenities -

Graphics. This is a depiction of civic amenities in the Prague city district of Prague 1 - Old Town (
We perceive the representative Old Town ("Staré Město") district as an ideal investment opportunity in rental apartments. Real estate can also be used for residential housing, and also for commercial purposes, ie. location of the company's registered office, notary and law firm.

From here you are close to almost any part of Prague center. A few minutes of walk will take you wherever you want. "Josefov" was a city of Jews in the past, but the main Jewish monuments have been preserved in the place and still stand today. The preservation features six Jewish synagogues, a statue of Moses, the Old Jewish Cemetery ("Starý židovský hřbitov") and the Jewish Town Hall ("Židovská radnice"). Around the 16th century, the Jewish community in Prague was even the largest in Europe. On site you can admire the Old-New Synagogue ("Staronová Synagoga"), the oldest preserved prayer house in Central Europe.

The well-known name "Franz Kafka" is associated with the territory of Josefov. This man was a novelist and short story writer. On the border of the "Staré Město" and Josefov is its memorial - a monument to Franz Kafka. This bronze statue depicts a headless man sitting on the shoulders of a famous writer. The sculptural group is inspired by the very work of Kafka's work - Description of a Match ("Popis jednoho zápasu").

Nearby is the Spanish Synagogue ("Španělská synagoga") in "Dušní" street (where Franz Kafka once lived), which is the youngest and is currently managed by the Jewish Museum in Prague ("Židovské muzeum v Praze"). You will find wheelchair access here. The lobby of the building offers a cash register, museum shop, toilets. The program consists of regular services, celebrations of Jewish holidays and important days, regular concerts of chamber music or other cultural events. The space is currently closed due to its modernization. In the district you can visit the Franz Kafka bookstore ("knihkupectví Franze Kafky"), located in "Široká" street (between "Maiselova" and "Pařížská" streets).

Category graphics. This is the topic of SYNAGOGUE.
Josefov radiates a touch of historical life, as well as a symbolism of luxury and the present life. The area is the best-preserved group of Jewish monuments in Europe. It's named after Joseph II, son of Maria Theresa and offers a wide range of civic amenities and transport accessibility. We recommend this area to families, working individuals, history and culture enthusiasts, or investors - who are looking for attractive investment opportunities.

Do you want to go to the castle? You have the opportunity. This area is dominated by Prague Castle ("Pražský hrad"), with a dazzling view of the city. In the place there is a Gothic Cathedral of St. Vitus - "Katedrála Sv. Víta" (consisting of three naves and a rich support system with a high choir), or the Basilica of St. George ("bazilika sv. Jiří"), one of the oldest churches in the Czech Republic. You will also discover a Baroque riding school - Prague Castle Riding School ("Jízdárna Pražského hradu"), which is located in the wider area of the castle. The famous Golden Lane ("Zlatá ulička") offers colorful houses with historical exhibits and souvenir shops. Most of the district consists of noble historic palaces and there are many other attractions that you can use: romantic nooks, quiet places and beautiful lookout towers. "Hradčany" was an independent part of the city until 1784, when it became part of the unified royal capital of Prague.

A beautiful part is Hradčanské náměstí (square), where you can get more directions - from Prague Castle (east), via "Zámecké schody" (south), via "Ke hradu" street (south), via "Radnické schody" (south), via "Loretánská" street (west), across "Kanovnická" street (west). The castle stairs connect "Thunovská" street ("Malá Strana" - Lesser Town) with the Castle Ramp ("Hradčanské náměstí"). The town hall stairs connect the intersection of "Ke hradu", "Nerudova" and "Úvoz" streets ("Malá Strana") with "Loretánská" street and "Hradčanské náměstí" ("Hradčany").

The Baroque building of the Archbishop's Palace, from the 17th century, is the seat of the Archbishops of Prague and is located on "Hradčanské náměstí" (square) - nearby the castle gate. It's also decorated with the Renaissance "Martinický palác" (palace), consisting of four wings and the main facade (facing the square and one side wing is located in "Kanovnická" street).

The area is enriched with various restaurants, cafes, galleries (eg the National Gallery Prague - Schwarzenberg Palace - "Národní galerie Praha - Schwarzenberský palác" or the National Gallery Prague - Salm Palace - "Národní galerie Praha – Salmovský palác"), hotels. Hradčany district is suitable for artistic souls, lovers of architecture, families with children, couples, working people. It's an ideal place for family living or investment purposes.

The formal name of the "Malá Strana" is the "Menší Město pražské". The name of this historic district is derived from the location on the left bank of the "Vltava" river (west, slopes below the castle), which means a smaller area as a larger district of Prague on the right bank of the "Vltava" (connection: Charles Bridge - "Karlův most").

One of the most charming neighborhoods is known for its hidden streets and cobbled squares, ancient churches, interesting monuments or activities, and last but not least - cultural experiences.

It's worth mentioning the Church of St. Nicholas ("Kostel sv. Mikuláše"), also nicknamed as the temple ("chrám"). It is a baroque church, located on "Malostranské náměstí" (square). The creation is considered to be the most important Baroque building in Prague. It earned this "award" on the basis of its grandeur and demanding artistic and architectural processing. The iconic green dome and bell tower added a true historical spirit to the panorama of Prague. The church, which has experienced concerts by famous composers such as Bach or Mozart, is simply one of the city's most beautiful architectural gems.

Lennon's Wall ("Lennonova zeď"), surrounded by gardens or charming squares, will appreciate your visit. It's made up of interesting creations, most of which are always dedicated to the famous singer John Lennon and the lyrics of the worldwide famous band - Beatles. During the communist regime, groups of young people expressed their disapproval through contributions to the wall. Unfortunately, Lennon's original painting is already lost under several layers.

We recommend district "Malá Strana" to people who are not annoyed by tourists and don't mind them. You can easily get everywhere by public transport and this can be a privilege for you - as well as for visitors of the capital.

40s of the 14th century. Europe was forever influenced by the urban project of Charles IV ("Karel IV"). The timeless Czech king, with the complexity and scope of his work, has topped any urban establishment so far. Construction began very quickly and successfully. The bank of the Vltava river, at the turn of the "Staré Město" and "Vyšehrad", brought Wenceslas Square ("Václavské náměstí"), Charles Square ("Karlovo náměstí"), "Senovážné náměstí" (also a square) or "náměstí Rebupliky" (square as well). "Nové Město" became part of Prague in 1784. District of Prague 1 as well as Prague 2 are sharing this area simultaneously.

Streets - typical for this area - are, for example, "Myslíkova", "Vodičkova", "Jindřišská", "Dlážděná", "Havlíčkova", "Zlatnická", "Žitná", "Ječná" (this is our office station), "Politických Vězňů", "Panská" or "Opletalova".

The historic area of Charles Square offers 80,552 sqm and the main crossroad. In addition, you'll find a tram line, once trolleybuses - today buses or metro station of line B. "Karlovo náměstí" falls under Prague 2 and at the same time - it's historically belonging to the mentioned part of New Town - "Nové Město".

Graphics. It presents the real salvation of Charles Square - the idea of a public park by landscape architect Thomayer.

In the vicinity you'll also find mentioned Wenceslas Square, a key for tourism and a very popular place. "Václavák" is a famous space for demonstrations, celebrations, events, mass gatherings - of a diverse nature. The dominant feature is the famous equestrian statue of St. Wenceslas - "jezdecká socha svatého Václava" known as Statue of Saint Wenceslas. You will find many restaurants, shops and famous hotels within the place.

The upper part is the most frequented choice of pedestrian transport - in the whole Czech Republic. By the year 2023, the upper segment should experience the widening of sidewalks, the planting of new alleys, the reduction of the number of parking spaces, the individual lane for cyclists, and changes within trams. The main change is to be a proposal of change of ride - trams should return to the original route. This time, however, the ride will NOT be carried out within the center of the square, but within the edges (the passage of cars). The center of the square wants to be preserved as a quality space for the public.

Graphics. It presents the diversity of decisions and preferences of our clientele.

We all have our own preference, which we follow - which we demand. In our real estate agency, we believe that everyone will find their coveted home in our wide range of real estate. We always recommend our clients to think carefully about which part of the city they will feel best in. It's necessary to determine whether the given district corresponds to your ideas about transport accessibility, whether there is sufficient civic background in the area covered, whether the area has enough relevant schools or parks, or opportunities for development or entertainment.

We want you to make an effective decision.

Choose correctly, choose MAXXUS.

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